About us

Flight data monitoring exclusively for business aviation

At Aviaplan, we are convinced that business or corporate aviation is very different to airline operations. Therefore, we provide flight data monitoring services exclusively for business aircraft operators and owners. We focus on potential hazards in non-scheduled commercial operations, such as SOP drift, challenging airports, high-risk events, arrival/departure at non-towered airports, etc. 

We strongly believe that the very basic requirement for a good functioning FDM program, is a good cooperation and 2-way communication with the pilot community of the operator. 

And that FDM can bring huge benefits in safety and overall operational performance, even if the take-off weight requirements dictate that flight data monitoring (FDM) is often not required in business aviation operations. 

Aviaplan was founded in 2017, but can count on more than 20 years of experience in flight data analysis, corporate flight operations and integration in Safety Management Systems. Feel free to contact us for more information.
